Threat Database Worms Worm.Win32.Chiwawah.a


By JubileeX in Worms

Worm.Win32.Chiwawah.a is a malicious worm infection that uses vulnerability to secretly penetrate into the affected computer system. Worm.Win32.Chiwawah.a can replicate itself on the corrupted PCs. Worm.Win32.Chiwawah.a enables remote attackers to infect sensitive locations in the memory. Worm.Win32.Chiwawah.a can steal the user's confidential data and forward it to hackers. Worm.Win32.Chiwawah.a will start each time you boot up your PC. It is highly recommended to eliminate Worm.Win32.Chiwawah.a as quickly as possible upon detection.

File System Details

Worm.Win32.Chiwawah.a may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. c:\viewDrive.exe
2. %AppData%\taskhost.exe
3. c:\autorun.inf
4. %Temp%\viewdrive

Registry Details

Worm.Win32.Chiwawah.a may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
Windows Task Host = "%AppData%\taskhost.exe"


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