Threat Database Worms WORM_MEYLME.B


By Sumo3000 in Worms

WORM_MEYLME.B is a very dangerous computer worm. WORM_MEYLME.B can spread via removable drives, unsolicited emails or poorly protected network shares. Once executed, WORM_MEYLME.B will delete certain files and disable AV applications on the system. WORM_MEYLME.B will also prevent the infected system from updating Windows. WORM_MEYLME.B uses Application Protocol Interface (MAPI) to send malicious emails with a copy of itself as attachment. WORM_MEYLME.B drops copies of itself into removable drives for automatic execution when the drive is inserted into another machine. WORM_MEYLME.B also drops copies of itself in network share using VB script. WORM_MEYLME.B should be removed from an infected PC with a recognized and reliable anti-spyware application.

File System Details

WORM_MEYLME.B may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. %Windows%\ff.exe
2. %Windows%\im.exe
3. %Windows%\rd.exe
4. %Windows%\tryme1.exe
5. %Windows%\ie.exe
6. %Windows%\pspv.exe
7. %System%\SendEmail.dll
8. %Windows%\gc.exe
9. %Windows%\op.exe
10. %Windows%\re.exe

Registry Details

WORM_MEYLME.B may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
HideSCAHealth = "1"


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