
Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 301
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 2,448
First Seen: July 9, 2023
Last Seen: September 30, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The rogue page, Uidhealth.com, has been specifically designed to promote browser notification spam and redirect visitors to other websites, which are often untrustworthy or hazardous. The majority of users come across Web pages like Uidhealth.com through redirects generated by websites that utilize rogue advertising networks. These redirects serve as a pathway to the rogue page, exposing users to the potential risks associated with browser notification spam and leading them to potentially unsafe destinations.

Dealing with Rogue Sites Like Uidhealth.com Requires Extreme Caution

The deceptive content displayed on rogue sites can vary based on the visitor's IP address and geolocation. Uidhealth.com, in particular, has been observed to present visitors with a fake CAPTCHA verification test. The webpage features an image with five robots accompanied by instructions that urge users to click 'Allow' if they are not robots.

If a visitor falls for the trick and attempts to complete the test, they unwittingly grant permission to Uidhealth.com to display browser notifications. These notifications often serve as a platform for promoting online scams, unreliable or harmful software, and even malware.

In summary, webpages like Uidhealth.com pose significant risks to users. Interacting with such sites can result in system infections, serious privacy breaches, financial losses, and identity theft. By exercising caution and avoiding engaging with suspicious or rogue websites, you can safeguard personal and financial security.

Look for the Typical Signs of a Fake CAPTCHA Check

Fake CAPTCHA checks often exhibit certain signs that can help users identify them. Here are some typical signs associated with fake CAPTCHA checks:

  • Poor Design and Presentation: Fake CAPTCHA tests may have low-quality graphics, inconsistent fonts, or misaligned elements. The overall design may appear unprofessional or hastily put together.
  •  Unusual Instructions or Requests: Fake CAPTCHA checks may include unusual or illogical instructions that seem unnecessary for a genuine verification process. For example, asking users to click 'Allow' or perform unrelated actions not related to CAPTCHA verification.
  •  Lack of Complexity: Genuine CAPTCHA tests are designed to be challenging for bots but manageable for human users. Fake CAPTCHA checks may have overly simple tasks that require minimal effort, making them suspiciously easy to complete.
  •  No Accessibility Options: Authentic CAPTCHA systems often include accessibility options for users with disabilities, such as an audio version or alternative methods. Fake CAPTCHA checks may lack these accessibility features.
  •  Unexpected Consequences: After completing a fake CAPTCHA check, users may experience unexpected consequences, such as being redirected to unrelated websites, encountering a sudden surge of browser notifications, or being prompted to download suspicious files or software.
  • Suspicious Website or Domain: The presence of a CAPTCHA test on a website that doesn't typically require one or the use of an unfamiliar or suspicious domain can be a sign of a fake CAPTCHA check.

It's paramount to remain vigilant and skeptical when encountering CAPTCHA tests. If the above signs are present, it is advisable to exercise caution and refrain from interacting with the CAPTCHA check or the associated website.


Uidhealth.com may call the following URLs:



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