Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 4,276
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 73
First Seen: August 4, 2023
Last Seen: September 25, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Upon investigating, infosec researchers discovered it is a deceitful Web page with the primary objective of tricking visitors into subscribing to its notifications. It is worth noting that users rarely intentionally open sites like Additionally, these types of pages may be designed to redirect users to other unreliable sites, further adding to the deceptive nature of the website. Relies on Clickbait Messages to Trick Visitors employs a deceptive tactic by displaying a fake CAPTCHA to mislead visitors into clicking the 'Allow' button. By falling into this trap, visitors unknowingly grant permission for the website to display notifications. These deceitful tactics are commonly utilized by shady sites to trick users into subscribing to unwanted notifications, leading to a barrage of annoying pop-ups and exposing users to potentially unsafe content.

The notifications from can lead users to various ad-filled and fraudulent websites, attempting to deceive them into providing personal information or engaging in scams. Additionally, notifications delivered by dubious destinations may direct users to websites containing malware or viruses, putting their devices at risk of infection.

Moreover, the notifications from may lead to untrustworthy websites that offer fake news, dubious downloads, or other potentially harmful content. Indeed, has been observed showing notifications designed to deceive users into believing that their computers were infected, urging them to remove the supposedly detected malware.

In addition to showing dubious notifications, may also redirect users to other unreliable websites. As a result, it is strongly advised not to place trust in or allow it to send notifications. Users should exercise caution when encountering such sites and refrain from engaging with deceptive content or granting notification permissions to suspicious websites. Utilizing reputable anti-malware software can further bolster protection against potential threats posed by sites like

Look for the Typical Signs of a Fake CAPTCHA Check

Differentiating between a fake CAPTCHA check and a legitimate one is crucial for users to protect themselves from deceptive websites and potential security risks. Here are some signs that can help users identify a fake CAPTCHA:

  • Design and Layout: Pay attention to the design and layout of the CAPTCHA. Fake CAPTCHAs may have poor graphics, blurry characters, or unusual fonts, making them look different from standard CAPTCHAs used by reputable websites.
  •  Suspicious Requests: Be cautious if the CAPTCHA asks for personal information beyond standard challenges, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or passwords. Legitimate CAPTCHAs only require users to verify that they are human, without requesting any sensitive data.
  •  Odd Wording: Watch for unusual or nonsensical wording in the CAPTCHA challenge. Fake CAPTCHAs might have grammatical errors or use unrelated phrases, which is uncommon in legitimate CAPTCHAs.
  •  Absence of Accessibility Options: Legitimate websites usually offer accessibility options for users with disabilities, such as audio challenges or an option to reload the CAPTCHA. Fake CAPTCHAs may lack these accessibility features.
  •  CAPTCHA Placement: Pay attention to where the CAPTCHA is located. Legitimate CAPTCHAs are usually placed at specific points in a user flow, such as during login, registration, or form submissions. If it appears randomly or at irrelevant times, it might be suspicious.
  •  Context: Consider the context in which the CAPTCHA appears. If the website doesn't seem to have any reason for needing a CAPTCHA or if it appears on a non-interactive page, it could be a sign of a fake CAPTCHA.
  •  Unusual Verification Methods: Fake CAPTCHAs might employ unconventional methods, such as asking users to download software or complete surveys to verify their identity. Legitimate CAPTCHAs do not require such actions.

By being attentive to these signs, users can better identify and avoid falling victim to fake CAPTCHAs, thereby enhancing their online security and privacy. If in doubt, it's advisable to be cautious and refrain from interacting with suspicious CAPTCHA challenges.

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