Threat Database Adware Token Factory Iframe

Token Factory Iframe

When trying to browse Safari on macOS computers and devices, their users may experience annoying pop-up notifications asking 'Do you want to download TokenFactoryIframe?' What makes these pop-up notifications annoying is that they will appear every 5 to 15seconds, Of course that they will interfere with the task that is being executed, besides preventing the computer user from accessing received emails, sending emails, downloading email attachments, and using other functions related to their Outlook accounts.

Although the problems caused by the Token Factory Iframe are well-known and are affecting countless Outlook users, Microsoft didn't address the problem or offered a patch to end it. Therefore, is up to the users to find a way to eliminate the pop-ups. The recommended solution is to download the Outlook application that was created to match your computer or device. Another way is to disable the download feature on the Outlook website.

Computer users that are enduring the Token Factory Iframe should remember that pop-ups that appear out of nowhere may be a signal that something out of normal is happening on their machines. Therefore, they should use a reliable malware scanner to find and remove any unwanted program that may be causing the Token Factory Iframe or other problems.


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