Threat Database Rogue Websites TeslaStrategy Giveaway Scam

TeslaStrategy Giveaway Scam

Con artists are trying to take advantage of crypto-currency enthusiasts via a fake giveaway. It promises to double the amount that the participating users decide to contribute. This is a common scheme that often exploits real companies and public figures, as a way to appear more legitimate. The TeslaStrategy Giveaway scam is no different, as it attaches itself to the Tesla company and features a picture of its CEO, Elon Musk. It should be pointed out that neither Mr. Musk nor Tesla has any connection to this hoax page. 

The TeslaStrategy Giveaway states that users can pick between the Bitcoin and Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrencies for their contribution. Afterward, they will receive double that amount. The scheme claims that a total of 50, 000 BTC (Bitcoins) will be spread this way. Of course, none of the statements found on the TeslaStrategy Giveaway page are true and users should ignore them completely. Otherwise, anyone who decides to take part in the supposed giveaway will only suffer monetary losses. Indeed, any amount of money transferred to the provided wallet addresses will be gone entirely, with a practically non-existent chance of recovery. 


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