Tail doing

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 11,003
Threat Level: 50 % (Medium)
Infected Computers: 67
First Seen: September 9, 2022
Last Seen: September 9, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

'Tail doing' is the name of an intrusive browser extension. Although Tail doing may claim to possess some useful features, this application has been observed to focus mostly on its browser hijacker behavior. Browser hijackers are rarely spread through normal methods, as users are unlikely to decide to install them willingly. That is why most browser hijacker operators utilize questionable tactics, such as shady software bundles or even outright fake installers/updates. Due to this particular behavior, infosec researchers often classify the applications as PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs), as well. 

Some of the unwanted consequences associated with having Tail doing active on your computer include several modifications to users' Web browsers. To promote its sponsored Web address and direct artificial traffic towards it, Tail doing is likely to modify the current homepage, new tab page and default search engine of the targeted browser. All affected settings will now begin opening the tailsearch.com address, which is a fake search engine.

Because fake engines lack the ability to produce results on their own, they need to further redirect the user's search query. Tailsearch.com has been observed to show results taken directly from Google or start a redirect chain leading to Bing.com that passed through the dubious websites my-search.com and trafficjunction.com.

A common functionality observed in PUPs is data collection. These annoying applications may monitor the users' browsing activities or harvest numerous device details (IP address, geolocation, device type, browser type and more). Some PUPs have even been confirmed to access browsers' autofill data, as a way to extract sensitive information, such as account credentials or banking details. 


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