TabsMode Search

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 4,919
Threat Level: 50 % (Medium)
Infected Computers: 860
First Seen: March 2, 2022
Last Seen: September 21, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The TabsMode Search is a thinly-veiled browser hijacker application. The main functionality of the program involves taking control over the users' Web browsers and forcing them to open a promoted address. Browser hijackers are typically tasked with promoting fake search engines and directing artificial traffic towards them. TabsMode Search is not an exception.

It should be pointed out that in most cases, users do not notice the installation of dubious applications due to the questionable methods involved in its distribution, such as shady software bundles or fake installers. The application initiates its invasive functions almost immediately after being installed on the system. As a result, users will notice that their browsers are starting to redirect to an unfamiliar web address frequently.

Indeed, by modifying the homepage, new tab page, and the default search engine settings, the TabsMode Search ensures that the sponsored page will be opened every time users start the affected browser, launch a new tab or initiate a search through the URL tab. The address promoted by the browser hijacker is, a fake search engine. Being incapable of generating results on its own, the fake engine will further redirect any of the user's search queries to the promoted search engine. has been observed to take results from the legitimate search engine.

Browser hijackers and other PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) also could be equipped with data-harvesting capabilities. They may spy on the user's browsing activities and transmit the acquired data to their operators.


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