Threat Database Ransomware Soviet Locker Ransomware

Soviet Locker Ransomware

The vast majority of ransomware attacks are carried out as part of threatening operations aimed at extorting copious amounts of money from the unfortunate victims. The threat actors could even use double-extortion schemes by also collecting confidential or private information from the breached devices, threatening to release it to the public if their demands are not met. However, some ransomware threats seem to be released with the sole purpose of causing damage. The Soviet Locker Ransomware appears to be that threat type.

Discovered by cybersecurity researchers, the Soviet Locker Ransomware is equipped with a robust encryption routine that can render a wide range of file types unusable. The threat doesn't modify the names of the affected files in any way and leaves them intact. The customary ransom note with instructions will be displayed on the system in a new pop-up window.

Ransom Note's Details

The pop-up window generated by the Soviet Locker Ransomware contains a countdown timer that shows the time left before all files and all drives connected to the infected system will be deleted, according to the threat's message. The window also contains a password field where victims of the threat are told to input the right password if they want to recover their data. However, the threat actors do not divulge the required password, nor do they leave any communication channels, such as email addresses or social media accounts through which the victims could potentially contact them.

As such, Societ Locker Ransomware's victims are left with almost no viable ways to restore their data. Fortunately for them, cybersecurity experts have been able to uncover the needed password. Anyone affected by this particular ransomware threat should try entering c819381734f8s2748a8239j872hdhc7c8 in the password field, to decrypt their locked files.

The entire ransom note left by Soviet Locker Ransomware is:

'Soviet Union

Your computer has been encrypted by Soviet Locker!

What happen to my personal files?

Your personal files is encrypted with military grade or SHA-256 encryption algorithm also your hidden files on your desktop can be encrypted too…

How to recover my files?

Enter your password and press "Decrypt" button to decrypt. But make sure your password is correct! If your password is incorrect the message will shown that the password is not correct.

What happens if timer runs out?

If the timer runs out, your personal files, and drives from "A:\" to "Z:\" will be deleted! So please decrypt your files first after the timer runs out!'


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