Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 50 % (Medium)
Infected Computers: 149
First Seen: May 17, 2016
Last Seen: November 25, 2022
OS(es) Affected: Windows is a domain that was registered on December 20th, 2017, by Aztec Media Inc. in relation to its product 'Photorito' from h[tt]ps://searchvaults[.]com/ and h[tt]p://enhancedsearch[.]me/. You might want to know that 'Photorito' by Aztec Media was released earlier in 2017 under the name 'Photor' and was published on h[tt]p://photorext[.]net/. Both products appear identical in appearance and functionality with their ability to change the user's Internet settings and new tab page settings. The new variant dubbed 'Photorito' is promoted via an insecure page that uses an invalid SSL certificate by Let's Encrypt for Enhancedsearch[.]me. The app is proposed to users with the following message:

'Photorito is a new Chrome extension for beautiful browsing and search experience. Every 6 hours your background will be changed with fresh and stunning image. Beside beautiful background changer, you can check the weather in your location with hourly and 4 day forecast. Every time you go back to your homepage or do new tab, you'll be greeted with beautiful and inspiring photos.The neatness of Photorito interface is a refreshment for the eye and a practical tool for your everyday search.'

The message shown above is displayed at h[tt]ps://searchvaults[.]com/ and h[tt]p://enhancedsearch[.]me/ and may be accompanied by a link to a hidden Chrome Extension. Introducing the 'Photorito' extension in Chrome results in changing the functionality of the Omnibox. 'Photorito' alters your primary search provider and new tab page to The site includes pre-configured speed dial and a search bar that is powered by Yahoo. We found that has a clone at h[tt]p://searchprotector[.]net/index.html and a slightly modified copy at h[tt]p://findiosearch[.]com/ and h[tt]p://safeforsearch[.]net/. The 'Photorito' software is used by Aztec Media to divert Web traffic to ads on Yahoo and rival services by Google. However, many Web surfers might not like the various browser redirects performed by 'Photorito' and the lack of customizations on the New Tab page. is associated with Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) by Aztec Media and tracking beacons that you may want to remove with the help of a reliable anti-spyware scanner.

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