Scarab-Walker Ransomware
PC security researchers observed a increased rise of variants in the Scarab family of encryption ransomware in May and April of 2018. The Scarab-Walker Ransomware is just one of the latest variants in this threat family. The high number of variants in this family have led to suspect that the criminals responsible for this family of malware have established a RaaS (Ransomware as a Service) platform, resulting in a wide variety of customized attacks running the Scarab Ransomware engine. The Scarab-Walker Ransomware, like most encryption ransomware Trojans, functions by taking the victim's files hostage, encrypting them with an effective encryption algorithm and then demanding payment of a ransom from the victim in exchange for decrypting the victim's files.
What the Scarab-Walker Ransomware Wants From Its Victims
The Scarab-Walker Ransomware's most common way of being delivered is through the use of corrupted spam email attachments, commonly containing PDF or DOCX files with embedded macro scripts that download and install the Scarab-Walker Ransomware onto the victim's computer. The Scarab-Walker Ransomware scans the contents of the victim's computer and generates encryption and decryption keys, using the AES encryption to make the victim's file inaccessible. The Scarab-Walker Ransomware targets a wide variety of the user-generated files while avoiding Windows system files (so that the victim's operating system can continue to function and the victim can pay the ransom and read a ransom note). The following are some of the file extensions that are typically encrypted in ransomware attacks like the Scarab-Walker Ransomware's infection:
.3dm, .3g2, .3gp, .7zip, .aaf, .accdb, .aep, .aepx, .aet, .ai, .aif, .as, .as3, .asf, .asp, .asx, .avi, .bmp, .c, .class, .cpp, .cs, .csv, .dat, .db, .dbf, .doc, .docb, .docm, .docx, .dot, .dotm, .dotx, .dwg, .dxf, .efx, .eps, .fla, .flv, .gif, .h, .idml, .iff, .indb, .indd, .indl, .indt, .inx, .jar, .java, .jpeg, .jpg, .js, .m3u, .m3u8, .m4u, .max, .mdb, .mid, .mkv, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpa, .mpeg, .mpg, .msg, .pdb, .pdf, .php, .plb, .pmd, .png, .pot, .potm, .potx, .ppam, .ppj, .pps, .ppsm, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptm, .pptx, .prel, .prproj, .ps, .psd, .py, .ra, .rar, .raw, .rb, .rtf, .sdf, .sdf, .ses, .sldm, .sldx, .sql, .svg, .swf, .tif, .txt, .vcf, .vob, .wav, .wma, .wmv, .wpd, .wps, .xla, .xlam, .xll, .xlm, .xls, .xlsb, .xlsm, .xlsx, .xlt, .xltm, .xltx, .xlw, .xml, .xqx, .xqx, .zip.
The Scarab-Walker Ransomware will rename the affected files by adding a string containing an email address to the file's name. The victims are asked to contact this email address to receive the 'Walker Decryptor' application, needed to restore the affected files. The Scarab-Walker Ransomware delivers a ransom note in the form of a text file named 'HOW TO DECRYPT WALKER INFO.TXT,' which is dropped in various locations on the infected computer. The full text of the Scarab-Walker Ransomware ransom note reads:
Your personal ID:
Your documents, photos, databases, save games and other important data was encrypted.
Data recovery the necessary decryption tool. To get the decryption tool, should send an email to:
Letter must include your personal ID (see the beginning of this document).'
PC security researchers strongly advise computer users to refrain from contacting the criminals responsible for the Scarab-Walker Ransomware attack or following the instructions in The Scarab-Walker Ransomware ransom note.
Protecting Your Data from the Scarab-Walker Ransomware
Unfortunately, the recuperation of the files encrypted by the Scarab-Walker Ransomware attack is not possible. This makes it crucial to take steps to ensure that your data is protected preemptively. The best protection for your data is to have backup copies of all your files. Having file backups ensures that you can restore your data after an attack without needing to negotiate with the criminals. A reliable security program coupled with file backups is the best protection against threats like the Scarab-Walker Ransomware.