Safe PC Cleaner

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 12,447
Threat Level: 100 % (High)
Infected Computers: 1,997
First Seen: May 6, 2013
Last Seen: June 20, 2024
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Safe PC Cleaner Image

Despite its name, Safe PC Cleaner is not a safe way to clean your PC. In fact, Safe PC Cleaner is actually a kind of threat known as a rogue security program. These are fake anti-malware applications or system optimization utilities that actually cause problems on the victim's computer in an attempt to convince inexperienced computer users to pay for fake 'upgrades.' Safe PC Cleaner enters a computer automatically, and can be really challenging to remove Safe PC Cleaner without the partnership of a reliable anti-malware program. Because of this, security researchers strongly advise computer users to distrust Safe PC Cleaner and to avoid installing this fake security program on their computer or following any of its instructions. If Safe PC Cleaner is installed on your computer, it is necessary to use a reliable anti-malware program to scan your hard drives and remove Safe PC Cleaner and its associated files completely.

What’s the Strategy Used by Safe PC Cleaner

Safe PC Cleaner may enter a computer in a variety of ways, typically following social engineering tactics used by other threats. Once Safe PC Cleaner has been installed, Safe PC Cleaner makes changes to the victim's computer settings that allow Safe PC Cleaner to start up automatically, shut down legitimate security programs and harass the PC user with made up error messages and system scans. Safe PC Cleaner will cause the infected computer to display large quantities of fake error messages, all claiming that the victim's computer has been severely invaded by all kinds of threats. Trying to use Safe PC Cleaner to remove these supposed infections is useless; all this does is lead to additional error messages claiming that it is necessary to 'upgrade' Safe PC Cleaner. However the 'upgraded' version of Safe PC Cleaner will be just as useless since all of the supposed threats are completely fabricated by Safe PC Cleaner.

Saving Your PC from Safe PC Cleaner

Programs like Safe PC Cleaner can often protect themselves, interfering with legitimate security programs and preventing the computer user from using their Web browser to access security-related websites. Fortunately, starting up Windows in Safe Mode can prevent Safe PC Cleaner from starting up automatically when you log into Windows. From there, a real, updated anti-malware application should be able to detect and remove Safe PC Cleaner completely.

SpyHunter Detects & Remove Safe PC Cleaner

File System Details

Safe PC Cleaner may create the following file(s):
# File Name MD5 Detections
1. PC_Cleaner_Free.exe 980ba0b0f4968ba425f67416e80f01cd 566
2. StartUpAlerts.exe.CommonStartup 3f68c465d2945e547060ddbe9259ec84 166
3. PC Cleaner.exe d5fa3271609f01393e33a6817c39e730 89
4. StartUpAlerts.exe 9367de5b62593cc8a569feaff97013c3 11
5. PC_Cleaner_Free.exe

Registry Details

Safe PC Cleaner may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
Regexp file mask
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\StartUpAlerts.exe
SOFTWARE\Secure Bit Technologies Pvt. Ltd.\Safe PC Cleaner Free
SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Secure Bit Technologies Pvt. Ltd.\Safe PC Cleaner Free


Safe PC Cleaner may create the following directory or directories:

%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Safe PC Cleaner
%APPDATA%\Secure Bit Technologies Pvt. Ltd\Safe PC Cleaner Free 4.1
%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Safe PC Cleaner


Dear Sir/Madam,
Please tell me how you could build this malware that's impossible to get rid of? I've been trying all ways and means to uninstall it but don't know how. Please advise. Thanks.

Godwin, SpyHunter is able to detect and remove the threat.

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