joins the countless other dubious sites that all share the same goal - to trick users into subscribing to their push notification services. These untrustworthy pages are known to employ manipulative tactics and tricks to achieve their goal. The most widely observed method is to pretend to be doing a CAPTCHA check. Users are encouraged to prove that they are not robots by clicking on the displayed 'Allow' button. This is the crux of the tactic - getting users into clicking that button without revealing its true purpose.

The con sites could try to imply that the button will grant access to a video clip, adult content, a file ready for download, a promised reward, such as a smartphone or more. Of course, none of these claims turn out to be true. Instead, users are left bombarded by annoying advertisements delivered to their devices via the browser permissions granted to the hoax page. When it comes to specifically, the site has been observed to e trying to convince users to click 'Allow' to watch a video.

Another important fact to remember is that pages such as, or the advertisements they deliver, could redirect to other, similarly as untrustworthy places. Users could land on fake giveaways or phishing tactics trying to obtain sensitive private information, or they could receive offers to install various intrusive PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs). In fact, such PUPs might be responsible for seeing in the first place. These annoying applications are often used to promote such deceptive and dubious websites. It is important to scan your device regularly for any suspicious application that might have been able to infiltrate it.


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