Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 2
First Seen: February 9, 2024
Last Seen: February 9, 2024

After conducting an in-depth examination of, cybersecurity researchers have identified deceptive tactics employed by the website to manipulate visitors into consenting to notification displays. Furthermore, it has been observed that carries the capability to redirect users to other untrustworthy websites, thereby heightening the risks to their online security and compromising the overall quality of their browsing experience. The utilization of such deceptive strategies underscores the necessity of exercising caution and employing robust security measures while navigating online. Displays Misleading Messages to Visitors

When users visit, they are prompted to click the 'Allow' button under the false premise of verifying their human identity, accompanied by a misleading message featuring an image of a robot. The page deceitfully suggests that this action is necessary to pass a CAPTCHA check.

However, granting permission by clicking 'Allow' enables the website to send notifications, exposing users to unwanted and deceptive advertisements. In the course of analyzing notifications from, researchers uncovered their deceptive nature, wherein false claims are presented, including security subscription expiration notices and warnings about system infections.

These deceptive notifications utilize scare tactics by asserting that the user's subscription to legitimate security software has expired or that their system is infected with malware. This awakes a sense of urgency, prompting immediate action. It is crucial to note that reputable cybersecurity companies do not typically deliver notifications in such a manner, especially through suspicious websites like

Moreover, interacting with these fake notifications can lead users to rogue websites or initiate downloads of harmful software disguised as security updates or anti-malware programs. Such actions can result in malware infections, identity theft or financial loss.

Furthermore, engaging with advertisements (notifications) from may expose users to technical support frauds, phishing pages designed to extract sensitive information, fake surveys and other deceptive destinations. Given these risks, it is strongly recommended not to allow to send notifications to safeguard users against potential security threats and deceptive practices.

Important Red Flags Indicating a Potentially Fake CAPTCHA Check

Identifying red flags in a CAPTCHA check is crucial for users to discern potential deception and avoid committing unsafe activities. Here are important red flags indicating a potentially fake CAPTCHA check:

  • Unusual Requests for Interaction: Legitimate CAPTCHA checks typically involve simple tasks like identifying objects in images or typing distorted characters. Suspicion arises if the CAPTCHA requires unusual actions such as clicking specific areas, downloading files, or providing personal information.
  •  Poor Image Quality: Genuine CAPTCHAs maintain a standard of clarity and legibility. If the images are blurry, distorted to an extreme, or difficult to discern, it may be a sign of a fake CAPTCHA attempting to confuse users.
  •  Mismatched Visual Elements: In some cases, fake CAPTCHAs may feature inconsistent design elements, such as mismatched fonts, colors or styles. These discrepancies may be subtle but can reveal a lack of professionalism and authenticity.
  •  Spelling and Grammar Errors: Authentic CAPTCHAs from reputable sources must have correct spelling and grammar. Red flags arise if there are noticeable errors in the instructions or text accompanying the CAPTCHA, which suggests a lack of professionalism.
  •  Unsolicited Pop-ups or Redirects: If the CAPTCHA check prompts unexpected pop-ups or redirects to unrelated websites, it raises suspicions. Legitimate CAPTCHAs are usually integrated seamlessly into the Web page without triggering additional, unrelated actions.
  •  Requests for Personal Information: A genuine CAPTCHA should never ask for sensitive information such as passwords, credit card details or personal data. If a CAPTCHA check includes such requests, it is likely fraudulent and should be avoided.

Users should remain watchful and cautious when encountering CAPTCHA checks displaying these red flags. Verifying the legitimacy of the CAPTCHA and the website it appears on can help users avoid potential scams, phishing attempts, and unsafe activities.

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