Threat Database Browser Hijackers

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 5,617
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 1,161
First Seen: January 25, 2019
Last Seen: September 19, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Despite its name, the page doesn't have anything to do with any cleaning tools whatsoever. Instead, it belongs to the dubious sites types that are created with the sole purpose of running a popular browser-based tactic. Users unfortunate enough to land on the page will be created by deceptive and clickbait messages, trying to convince them to click the shown 'Allow' button. Without their knowledge, users who follow the instructions will be subscribed to the page's push notification services.

There are numerous manipulative scenarios employed by these con sites. Many pretend to be doing a CAPTCHA check for bots. Others claim that a file will become available for download. However, has been observed showing a progress bar accompanied by a message similar to

'You need to Allow in order to continue'

The page also can pretend that a video clip is currently experiencing playback issues and the only way to resolve them is to click Allow:

'Click 'ALLOW' to play the video
Stream and download are available

No matter what the exact text of the messages is, users should not click the button. Otherwise, they risk being exposed to numerous intrusive and equally untrustworthy advertisements. Via forced redirects, users also may be taken to additional shady websites that might be running phishing schemes, fake giveaways, spreading PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs), or even malware threats.

URLs may call the following URLs:


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