Threat Database Trojans Prynt Stealer Malware

Prynt Stealer Malware

The Prynt Stealer Malware is a threat that should be handled carefully when inside a computer because it can cause numerous problems. The Prynt Stealer Malware is a banking malware, which means that it will try to collect banking account details, spyware, which means that it can be installed on a computer stealthily and collect information of all kinds and a password-stealing Trojan, which means that it can access all of your accounts.

The preferred intrusion method used by Trojans is via infected email attachments, However, it also can use vulnerabilities, exploit kits, corrupted advertisements, cracked software and social engineering. Another threatening action that may be performed by the Prynt Stealer Malware is to include the infected computer into a botnet, which will further increase the risks and damage.

The Prynt Stealer Malware also can use the copy-paste buffer technology to become a clipper and replace data copied in the clipboard. As you can see, the Prynt Stealer Malware is the kind of malware that should be removed from an infected computer as soon as it is detected. The most secure way to remove threatening malware such as the Prynt Stealer Malware is using a powerful and updated anti-malware tool.


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