Threat Scorecard
EnigmaSoft Threat Scorecard
EnigmaSoft Threat Scorecards are assessment reports for different malware threats which have been collected and analyzed by our research team. EnigmaSoft Threat Scorecards evaluate and rank threats using several metrics including real-world and potential risk factors, trends, frequency, prevalence, and persistence. EnigmaSoft Threat Scorecards are updated regularly based on our research data and metrics and are useful for a wide range of computer users, from end users seeking solutions to remove malware from their systems to security experts analyzing threats.
EnigmaSoft Threat Scorecards display a variety of useful information, including:
Ranking: The ranking of a particular threat in EnigmaSoft’s Threat Database.
Severity Level: The determined severity level of an object, represented numerically, based on our risk modeling process and research, as explained in our Threat Assessment Criteria.
Infected Computers: The number of confirmed and suspected cases of a particular threat detected on infected computers as reported by SpyHunter.
See also Threat Assessment Criteria.
Threat Level: | 20 % (Normal) |
Infected Computers: | 187 |
First Seen: | March 15, 2022 |
Last Seen: | May 27, 2023 |
OS(es) Affected: | Windows | is not a site that users are going to visit willingly. After all, the page is created solely to try and spread dubious browser extensions. To achieve its purpose, uses fake warning messages and other social-engineering tricks. Typically, the applications promoted through such questionable means turn out to be intrusive browser hijackers, adware, data-trackers or other annoying PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs).
One of the possible scenarios carried out by the hoax website involves showing a false message claiming that users need to update an unspecified Chrome browser extension urgently. The site will conveniently display several buttons labeled 'Add to Chrome.' Users also will be told that the new browser extension will boost the safety of their browsing and give them increased options when conducting searches.
Of course, PUPs are often advertised as seemingly convenient applications. Once deployed on the user's computer or device, these applications waste no time in showing their true nature. They could take over the browser's settings, cause unwanted redirects, generate deceptive advertisements leading to potentially unsafe destinations and more. One characteristic often associated with PUPs is data-tracking. The operators of the intruder applications could be siphoning browser-related information, as well as numerous device details. They could even try to extract banking information, payment details, credit/debit card numbers, and more confidential information that has been saved in the affected browsers.
URLs may call the following URLs: |