
Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 15,092
Threat Level: 50 % (Medium)
Infected Computers: 35
First Seen: February 10, 2022
Last Seen: September 5, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The PickMySearch application operates as a typical browser hijacker. It is capable of taking over users' Web browsers and forcing them to open a promoted page. To maximize the artificial traffic it can generate, this PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Program) modifies the homepage, new tab page, and the default search engine at the same time. As a result, users will be redirected to the unfamiliar Web address every time they launch the affected browser, open a new tab, or try to search the Web from the browser's URL bar.

The address promoted by the application is pickmysearch.com. The search engine lists several convenient features, such as providing easy access to the most popular social media platform, news sites, or online shops, as well as allowing users to search multiple engines simultaneously for better results. Unfortunately, after analyzing its functionality, infosec experts have determined that pickmysearch.com is a fake engine that shows results taken from the legitimate search.yahoo.com engine.

Another potential risk resulting from having a PUP present on your computer or device is that it may possess data-tracking capabilities. The intrusive program may extract the entire browsing history, search history, and all clicked links and send the data to its operators. Numerous device details or even sensitive banking and payment information also may be compromised and exfiltrated.

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