Threat Database Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 3,056
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 1,224
First Seen: March 5, 2023
Last Seen: September 30, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The website operates as a deceptive and untrustworthy platform. This website employs misleading tactics to manipulate visitors into granting permission to receive notifications. By presenting clickbait messages or false promises, seeks to convince users that subscribing to notifications is necessary or beneficial.

Moreover, researchers have confirmed that has the capability to initiate the download of potentially harmful files without the users' consent or knowledge. These files may pose a significant risk to the security and integrity of users' devices, potentially leading to various forms of damage or compromise.

Given the deceptive nature of and its potential to engage in harmful activities, it is strongly advised to exercise utmost caution and refrain from placing any trust or reliance on this website. Interacting with its content, granting permissions, or downloading any files from can expose users to various risks, including privacy breaches, malware infections, or other malicious activities. To ensure the safety of their devices and personal information, it is recommended to avoid visiting or engaging with altogether. Demands the Use of Caution

The website employs deceptive tactics to manipulate and mislead visitors into granting permission for notifications. Upon accessing the site, users are greeted with a loading icon and a message instructing them to click the 'Allow' button in order to proceed. This creates the false impression that the website's content will only be accessible once visitors comply with this request. However, the reality is that utilizes a clickbait strategy, enticing visitors to agree to receive notifications under false pretenses.

It is important to be aware that allowing notifications from can have serious consequences. These notifications may lead users to websites that promote fraudulent schemes, including fake lotteries, phishing attempts, or investment scams. The primary objective of these sites is to deceive and trick visitors into divulging personal information and financial details, or making unauthorized payments, putting their privacy and finances at risk.

Furthermore, likely has the capability to redirect users to websites that endorse questionable or potentially harmful software, as well as other untrustworthy pages. The content presented on these websites may range from low-quality or misleading products and services to those that pose a direct threat to the security of users' systems. Additionally, it is worth noting that is capable of initiating the download of a potentially harmful file. This file could contain adware, a browser hijacker, or even malicious software such as ransomware, which can wreak havoc on a user's device and compromise their data.

In light of these risks, it is strongly advised against visiting Ooumoughtcall[.]com and granting it permission to send notifications. By exercising caution and refraining from interacting with this deceptive website, users can protect themselves from falling victim to fraudulent schemes, potential malware infections, and other untrustworthy activities associated with

Be Sure to Stop the InTrusive Notifications Coming from Rogue Websites Quickly

Users can take proactive measures to stop the dubious and intrusive notifications generated by rogue websites and other untrustworthy sources. Here are some recommended steps:

  • Review browser settings: Users should review their browser settings to determine the permissions granted to websites for displaying notifications. Most modern browsers provide options to manage notifications, allowing users to disable them completely or customize preferences for specific websites. By adjusting these settings, users can prevent unwanted notifications from appearing.
  •  Be cautious when granting permissions: When visiting a website, users should exercise caution before granting permissions for notifications. It is essential to verify the credibility and trustworthiness of the website before agreeing to receive notifications. Users should be wary of websites that employ deceptive tactics or make false promises to entice users into allowing notifications.
  •  Remove rogue extensions or plugins: Users should regularly review and manage their browser extensions or plugins. Rogue or suspicious extensions can be a common source of intrusive notifications. Users should uninstall any extensions or plugins that they do not recognize or trust. It is advisable to keep the browser's extensions limited to those from reputable sources.
  •  Utilize reputable security software: Installing and regularly updating reputable security software can help detect and block notifications from untrustworthy sources. Antivirus or anti-malware programs often include features to prevent the display of unwanted notifications and protect against malicious websites.
  •  Educate yourself about online threats: Staying informed about the latest online threats and tactics used by rogue websites can empower users to recognize and avoid them. Users should educate themselves about common phishing techniques, deceptive notifications, and other malicious practices. By being vigilant and informed, users can make better decisions when encountering dubious websites and protect themselves from unwanted notifications.

Remember, maintaining a proactive and cautious approach while browsing the internet is key to protecting against dubious and intrusive notifications.

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