is a dubious address that is being associated with the activities of PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) that target Mac and iPhone users. PUPs are generally not considered a threat to the system they are installed on but they can diminish the user experience severely while increasing the potential security risks. Furthermore, PUPs are almost never downloaded by the user directly and instead sneak themselves by utilizing deceptive distribution techniques such as bundling or hiding inside fake software updaters/installers.

Users will most often see the address as part of intrusive Calendar events that have been generated by the PUP. More and more events will continue to be added at regular intervals. Nearly all of the messages will contain misleading and alarming titles designed to attract the attention of the user. A common tactic is for the fake ads and events to claim that a supposed threat has been found on the device and that the user must act immediately to prevent it from causing more damage. These messages are, of course, false entirely, and shouldn't be interacted with as they could redirect to unsafe third-party websites.  

If you have been affected by the messages, it is strongly recommended to scan your computer or mobile device with a professional anti-malware product. There are good chances that a suspicious PUP will be detected. 


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