is a mostly empty website created with a singular purpose - to propagate a popular browser-based tactic. The website will display misleading messages that all try to convince the unsuspecting visitors into clicking the 'Allow' button ultimately. No matter what the fake messages say, those that follow the instructions will find themselves subjected to an intrusive advertising campaign. 

While the website is incapable of causing any harm to the user's device, the advertisements it displays may not be as benign. They could redirect to various untrustworthy locations including landing pages for technical support tactics or phishing sites. Third-party websites might try to push various barely-functional Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) to the user.

Misleading websites similar to can run a multitude of deceptive scenarios to trick their visitors. They could be pretending that a supposed video is being blocked from playing or a supposed file is ready for download. However, by far, and the most popular is the one employed by; to imitate a captcha check for bots. It will prominently display the following messages:

' wants to Show notifications

Click Allow to confirm that you are not a robot!'

The best way to deal with is to ignore it completely and simply close the page. However, if the redirects to are occurring at an abnormal rate, this might be a signal that an adware application is present on the device. Perform a scan with a reputable anti-malware solution and delete all suspicious applications.


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