Threat Database Adware Ads Ads

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 4
First Seen: May 23, 2022
Last Seen: July 31, 2022
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The goal of a website named ads is to generate monetary gains for its developers by convincing them to subscribe to the legitimate push notifications browser function. Nowadays, there are countless websites on the Internet, already executing a virtually identical operations. When ads find its way to a computer, its users will be presented with deceiving messages, which goal is to induce them to allow the website to display unwanted and unsafe advertisements.

The vast majority of sites of this type and Ads is not different, can show various scenarios, depending on the user's IP address, geolocation, browser type, etc. For example, some users that are visiting the page voluntarily or because they were redirected to it, could be asked to pass a fake CAPTCHA check. ads and other hoax sites may show an image of a robot accompanied by a message similar to 'Click Allow to confirm you are not a robot' or a window for a video that supposedly cannot be played due to some problems. When this happens, the message could be 'Press Allow to watch the video' or something similar.

However, if the computer user presses the button, they will subscribe to the site's push notifications Unknowingly. From there on, they will receive numerous unwanted and unsafe advertisements. These advertisements may lead to shady adult-oriented platforms, untrustworthy destinations, that may be spreading intrusive PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) and even more threatening malware.

URLs Ads may call the following URLs:


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