is a dubious website that operates differently based on the geolocation of its visitors. The site obtains this information by scanning the IP address of users who land on it. It must be noted that it is extremely unlikely for users to open websites such as intentionally. In the vast majority of cases, they are taken there by intrusive PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) that have managed to sneak themselves onto the user's computer through deceptive distribution techniques such as bundling or via fake software installers/updaters. 

The two functionalities of include showing its visitors suspicious third-party advertising materials or initiating force redirects to other dubious pages. In addition, the website also is conducting a popular browser-based tactic where users are tricked into subscribing to its push notification services. The site employs fake alert or error messages that urge the visitor to click the 'Allow' button. One observed scenario is for to prominently display a message that states:

'Loading.../ 20%/ You need to 'Allow' in order to continue…'

Doing so will give the site broad browser permissions that will allow it to run an intrusive advertising campaign. Various promotional materials will be delivered to the screen of the affected device directly, which will diminish the browsing experience severely. Clicking on the presented advertisements carries the risk of the user being taken to untrustworthy places, such as landing pages for technical support tactics, adult websites, phishing pages and others. 

Upon noticing the first signs of's activities, users should take the appropriate steps to stop this tactic.


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