Threat Database Adware NewProduct


NewProduct is a puzzling application that so far doesn't appear to have a clear purpose for existing. Still, it is rather unlikely that the program is a legitimate one. Numerous anti-malware products flag it as threatening, with most of them stating specifically that it displays cookie collector behavior.

Understandably, the chances of users installing such an application on their computers willingly are extremely low. NewProduct is probably being spread via deceptive methods such as bundling or fake installers/updaters. Bundling is particularly popular, as it sees the intruder app being wrapped alongside a far more desirable product. If users don't specifically look at what is included under the 'Custom' or 'Advanced' installation settings, they may not even realize that an additional app is being installed. Apps reliant on such underhanded methods to proliferate themselves are classified as PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs).

PUPs can display several annoying or potentially risky behaviors. They could run intrusive advertising campaigns on the system or take control over the user's Web browser to promote a fake search engine. It is not uncommon for both activities to be performed by a single application.

Furthermore, PUPs could be spying on the user's browsing activities. Information including all visited websites, initiated searchers, IP address of the device, geolocation, and more, could be packaged and transmitted to a remote server. The risks posed by having a PUP on your device shouldn't be underestimated.

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