MyZen Tab

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 8,934
Threat Level: 50 % (Medium)
Infected Computers: 839
First Seen: March 6, 2022
Last Seen: September 17, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The MyZen Tab presents itself, as is often the case, as a robust browser tab customization tool. What this seemingly useful application fails to clearly state is that it also will establish control over several important browser setting to promote a sponsored website. This behavior classifies the MyZen Tab as a browser hijacker.

Users affected by such an intrusive application will typically notice that their browser's homepage, new tab page, and the default search engine have all been changed to now open an unfamiliar page. As a result of the unwanted modifications, simply launching the affected browsers, starting a new tab, or attempting to make a search via the URL tab, will trigger a redirect to the promoted address. In this case, the browser hijacker is tasked with generating artificial traffic towards, a fake search engine.

Fake search engines lack the most essential characteristic that such a service should provide - they are incapable of generating results on their own. Instead, they simulate that activity by redirecting the user's search queries to other engines. has been observed to get results from the legitimate Google engine. However, users should keep in mind that this may not always be the case. Depending on particular parameters, most fake engines can change their behavior and sometimes show low-quality results generated by dubious pages.

Furthermore, browser hijackers and other PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) could be spying on the browsing activities carried out on the system. Information such as the browsing history, search history, clicked URLs, IP address, device type, browser type, and more, could be captured and exfiltrated to a remote server. Sometimes, the PUP may even try to access confidential and sensitive information, such as banking or payment details.


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