My Keypro

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 12,559
Threat Level: 50 % (Medium)
Infected Computers: 48
First Seen: August 14, 2022
Last Seen: September 22, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The My Keypro is a browser extension that carries browse hijacker functionalities. Once users allow for the extension to be installed, they will notice that it has made significant changes to their Web browser. Typically, these intrusive applications modify the homepage, new tab page, and the default search engine, with all affected settings now opening a promoted Web address. My Keypro is not an exception, as it promotes the fake search engine.

Fake engines lack the necessary programming to generate results on their own. When users initiate a search query, it will be redirected to the fake engine and then further redirected to additional sources. The exact behavior of could vary from user to user, based on factors, such as IP address or geolocation. For example, infosec researchers have observed the fake engine showing results taken directly from Google or starting a redirect chain that goes through and before reaching Bing.

Adware, browser hijackers, and PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) in general, may be difficult to remove, due to the persistence mechanisms they may have established on the device. Furthermore, while present on the system, these intrusive applications may be spying on users' browsing activities, collecting device details, or even trying to access sensitive information, such as account credentials or banking details from browsers' autofill data.


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