Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 14
First Seen: November 25, 2022
Last Seen: February 5, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The appears to lack any functionality connected to data or reports. Instead, when analyzed by infosec researchers, the site presented them with deceptive and misleading messages, as part of an online tactic. Indeed, was observed running a variant of the 'Your PC might be infected with viruses!' scheme. It must be pointed out that users rarely open dubious pages, such as this one intentionally. In most cases, these questionable sites are encountered as a consequence of forced redirects caused by PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) or rogue advertising networks.

As part of its nefarious tactic, may show its visitors several pop-up windows filled with fake security alerts and warnings. To make the completely fabricated messages appear more real, the site exploits the name, brand, logo, and interface of Norton, even though the Norton company is in no way connected to it. In addition, users may be presented with the results of a supposed threat scan that has identified multiple, serious issues and malware threats on their devices. The shown results also are entirely fake, as no website is capable of performing such scans on its own.

Typically, the goal of the con artists behind sites such as Mydailydatareport is to earn money via fraudulent commission fees, by taking scaring users into purchasing a promoted security tool. Alternatively, the fake scares can be used as a way to push visitors into downloading and installing an intrusive PUP presented as a legitimate cybersecurity solution.

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