is yet another con website that aims to trick its visitors into subscribing to its push notification services. While this feature is perfectly legitimate by design and can be extremely helpful when users need to keep up with rapidly developing events, it has become a popular tool for unscrupulous people to generate monetary gains. Countless virtually identical websites dedicated to running this tactic have already been put on the Internet and more emerge almost daily. 

The crux of the tactic involves the site displaying a dishonest scheme on its page. The most popular scenario is for the site to pretend to be conducting a CAPTCHA check for bots., on the other hand, has been observed to display a video window that is running into some issue. Prominently displayed will be a variation of this message:

'Press Allow to watch the video'

Users who let their curiosity get the better of them will soon find themselves subjected to an intrusive advertising campaign. Clicking the button will inadvertently grant broad browser permissions to the hoax website. Afterward, even completely closing the affected browser will not be enough to prevent the advertisements from appearing. In addition, all materials generated by could either contain questionable materials themselves or lead to untrustworthy third-party websites. 

To stop from causing further disruptions manually, users will have to open the appropriate Settings menu, depending on their specific browser, and then revoke all of the permissions granted to the con website.


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