belongs to a group of deceptive websites (,, etc). They are all created for the singular purpose of proliferating a popular browser-based scam. By displaying various deceptive messages, the sites try to trick their visitors into clicking the 'Allow' button and subscribing to the page's push notification services unknowingly. Users should note that hoax websites of this type have been flooding the Internet for a while now and more are emerging almost daily. 

The basic characteristics of this particular scheme are always the same. Users will be shown fake alerts or warnings that urge them to click the 'Allow' button. The exact text of the messages depends on the particular scenario used by the deceitful page currently. The most widespread one is pretending to run a CAPTCHA check. Other times the con sites could state that a video will become available after clicking the button or a file is now ready for download. Users could encounter messages such as:

'Click ALLOW to confirm that you are not a robot!'

'Click Allow to watch the video'

'Download is ready. Click Allow to download your file'

Afterward, will be able to abuse its newly granted permissions to run an intrusive ad campaign via the affected browser. The advertisements delivered by the site could contain dubious content or show clickbait messages designed to get the attention of the user. Then, via forced redirects, the advertisements could lead to more hoax websites, phishing pages or other suspicious places. 


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