Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 2,224
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 250
First Seen: July 31, 2023
Last Seen: September 30, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows is identified as a rogue Web page, purposefully engaging in promoting browser notification spam and redirecting visitors to other websites that are likely to be unreliable or potentially unsafe. Pages similar to are primarily accessed by users through various shady methods, including redirects generated by websites utilizing rogue advertising networks, spam notifications, mistyped URLs, intrusive ads, or the presence of installed adware on their devices.

The researchers have observed that is associated with deceptive advertising practices that attempt to trick users into accepting browser notifications, leading to a barrage of unwanted and potentially harmful advertisements. Additionally, the Web page engages in redirecting users to other questionable websites, exposing them to further risks, such as tactics or malware. Relies on Clickbait Messages to Trick Visitors

It is important to highlight that the content displayed on rogue Web pages like can vary depending on the visitor's IP address or geolocation.

One such deceptive scenario observed on consists of a progress loading bar that is accompanied by instructions urging users to 'Please tap the Allow button to continue.' The webpage attempts to deceive its visitors into believing that to access its content, they must enable its browser notifications. Users who followed the displayed instructions may also be subsequently redirected to a site that endorsed untrustworthy software such as adware, browser hijackers, and potentially unwanted programs (PUPs).

These rogue pages exploit the permission they obtain to run intrusive advertisement campaigns through browser notifications. The displayed adverts are designed to promote a range of nefarious activities, including online scams, unreliable or harmful apps, etc.

Make Sure to Stop Any Notifications Coming from Rogue Sites or Unfamiliar Sources

Users can take several steps to stop intrusive notifications coming from rogue sites or unfamiliar sources:

  • Review Notification Settings: Check the notification settings on your web browser and devices. Disable notifications from unfamiliar or suspicious websites and applications.
  •  Block Notifications: Most web browsers offer the option to block notifications from specific sites. When you encounter intrusive notifications, click on the "block" or "deny" option when prompted to prevent further notifications from that site.
  •  Clear Cookies and Browser Cache: Clear your browser's cache and cookies regularly. Some rogue sites may use stored data to continue pushing notifications even after you have blocked them.
  •  Disable Notification Requests: Many browsers allow you to disable notification requests altogether. This prevents all websites from asking for permission to send notifications.
  •  Remove Unwanted Extensions and Apps: Review your browser extensions and installed applications. Remove any unfamiliar or suspicious ones that might be responsible for the intrusive notifications.
  •  Stay Away from Rogue Sites: Avoid visiting rogue websites or clicking on suspicious links. These sites often use deceptive tactics to trick users into enabling notifications.
  •  Keep Software Up-to-Date: Ensure that your operating system, web browser, and antivirus software are up-to-date. Updated software often includes security enhancements that can help prevent intrusive notifications.
  •  Use a Reliable Ad-blocker: Install a reputable ad-blocker that can help block intrusive advertisements and notifications from appearing on your browser.
  •  Educate Yourself: Stay informed about common tactics used by rogue sites to trick users into enabling notifications. Educate yourself about online security best practices to avoid falling victim to such tactics.

By following these steps, users can effectively stop intrusive notifications from rogue sites or unfamiliar sources and protect their browsing experience from unwanted distractions and potential security risks. Regularly reviewing and updating notification settings, being cautious with online interactions, and using security tools can significantly enhance online safety and privacy.

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