Threat Database Ransomware Ma1x0 Ransomware

Ma1x0 Ransomware

Ma1x0 is a type of ransomware that cybersecurity researchers discovered while investigating potential malware threats. Its primary function is to encrypt data on compromised devices and then demand payment from victims in exchange for supposedly restoring access to the locked files. The Ma1x0 Ransomware achieves this by modifying the names of the encrypted files, adding the '.ma1x0' extension to each one. Attackers communicate their ransom demands through a text file named 'HOW TO RESTORE FILES.txt,' which is dropped on the affected system. An example of how Ma1x0 alters filenames is seen in the transformation of '1.png' to '1.png.ma1x0,' and '2.pdf' to '2.pdf.ma1x0.' Furthermore, researchers have confirmed that Ma1x0 is a variant belonging to the Mallox Ransomware family.

The Ma1x0 Ransomware Prevents Victims from Accessing Their Own Files

The ransom note from Ma1x0 communicates to victims that their files have undergone encryption and are inaccessible without a corresponding decryption tool. It explicitly warns against attempting to restore the files independently, as such actions might exacerbate the damage. To demonstrate its capability, the note offers a complimentary test decryption for files smaller than 3 MB, which can be accessed through their website using the TOR browser.

The instructions in the note guide victims on downloading the TOR browser and accessing the specified website. It also suggests the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) if TOR is inaccessible. The note concludes with an email address ( for communication, highlighting potential delays in response times via email.

Notably, the cybercriminals associated with Ma1x0 demand a ransom of $3000 in Bitcoins for the decryption of data. However, it is emphasized that the ransom amount may vary in different instances.

In the context of ransomware attacks, individuals or organizations are typically coerced into paying a ransom to threat actors in exchange for decryption tools necessary to regain access to their data. Despite this pressure, experts strongly advise against giving in to such demands. There are absolutely no guarantees that threat actors will fulfill their promise of providing the required decryption tools even after receiving the payment. Equally important is the swift removal of ransomware from affected systems to minimize the risk of further data loss.

Safeguard Your Data and Devices against Ransomware Threats

Safeguarding data and devices against ransomware threats is crucial in today's digital landscape. Here are some effective measures users can take to enhance their defenses:

  • Regular Backups: Regularly back up essential data to an autonomous device or a secure cloud service. Automatize backup processes to ensure consistency and reliability. Store backups offline to prevent them from being compromised in case of a ransomware attack.
  •  Update Software and Operating Systems: Keep operating systems, security software, and applications updated. Install security fixes and updates regularly to address vulnerabilities that ransomware could exploit.
  •  Use Robust Security Software: Employ professional anti-malware software. Enable real-time scanning and automatic updates to stay protected against evolving threats.
  •  Be Cautious with Links and Email Attachments: Avoid opening emails from unknown or suspicious sources. Be wary of unexpected attachments or links, as they may contain ransomware. Verify the legitimacy of emails before clicking on links or downloading attachments.
  •  Implement Network Security Measures: Using firewalls allows the inspect and control of incoming and outgoing network traffic. Segment networks to limit the potential spread of malware in case of a breach.
  •  Restrict User Privileges: Limit user access to only the necessary resources. Put into effect the principle of least privilege to reduce the consequences of a ransomware attack by restricting access rights.

By adopting a proactive approach and performing these security measures, users can reduce the risk of falling victim to ransomware threats and protect their data and devices from potential compromise.

The ransom note created by the Ma1x0 Ransomware is:


Your files are encrypted and can not be used
To return your files in work condition you need decryption tool
Follow the instructions to decrypt all your data

Do not try to change or restore files yourself, this will break them
If you want, on our site you can decrypt one file for free. Free test decryption allowed only for not valuable file with size less than 3MB

How to get decryption tool:
1) Download and install TOR browser by this link: hxxps://
2) If TOR blocked in your country and you can't access to the link then use any VPN software
3) Run TOR browser and open the site: -
4) Copy your private ID in the input field. Your Private key: -
5) You will see payment information and we can make free test decryption here

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