
Karativa is classified as an intrusive browser extension and is most likely a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) equipped with adware capabilities. Adware applications are designed with the sole purpose of generating monetary gains for their operators by running annoying ad campaigns. As a result, systems with adware applications installed on them could be subjected to an influx of unwanted and dubious advertisements.

It is highly likely that Karativa operates in a similar manner. Users risk being frequently interrupted by banners, pop-ups, notifications and other advertising materials. More importantly, the advertisements could promote questionable or sometimes outright unsafe destinations. They may use deceptive and manipulative messages to trick users into visiting fake giveaways, technical support frauds, phishing schemes, platforms spreading additional PUPs, etc. Interacting with the advertisements generated by the adware also may trigger forced redirects leading to more untrustworthy sites being opened in the browser.

PUPs also are notorious for being equipped with data-collection routines. These invasive applications may silently monitor the users' browsing activities and continuously transmit their browsing history, search history, clicked URLs and other data to their operators. Some PUPs have been observed to access the browsers' autofill data in an attempt to extract account credentials, banking details, payment information and other sensitive details.


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