Threat Database Phishing 'Incoming Mails Have Been Restricted' Email Scam

'Incoming Mails Have Been Restricted' Email Scam

Con artists have been targeting unsuspecting victims with a new email scam featuring the subject line 'Incoming Mails Have Been Restricted.' The email states that the recipient's incoming mail has been restricted and they must click on a link to verify their identity. This is a classic phishing scam, where criminals try to get people to click on malicious links in order to install viruses or steal personal information.

Where do these Misleading Emails Come From?

The "Incoming Mails Have Been Restricted" email is sent from an unknown sender. It contains the following message: "Your incoming mail has been restricted for security reasons, so you are required to verify your identity. To do this, please click on the link below and follow the instructions." The link contained in these emails leads to a fake website, which asks users to enter their passwords or credit card information in order to gain access.

What Users Should do if They Get the 'Incoming Mails Have Been Restricted' Email Scam

If you receive one of these emails, do not click on any links or provide any personal information. Instead, delete the email immediately and report it as spam. Additionally, make sure your computer has up-to-date anti-malware software installed so you can protect yourself from future scams. Also consider using two-factor authentication for all accounts that offer it; this will help keep your accounts secure.

It's primordial to be aware of the risks associated with phishing scams like this one. Many fraudsters will try to create a sense of urgency to get users to act quickly and without thinking. It's also necessary to remember that legitimate organizations will never ask you for your password or credit card information via email. If you receive an email that requests personal information, delete it immediately and report it as spam.


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