Threat Database Ransomware HotCofee Ransomware

HotCofee Ransomware

HotCofee is a malware threat that can affect a large number of file types. By using a strong encryption algorithm, the threat renders all targeted files inaccessible and unusable. Victims will no longer be able to open their images, photos, video, and audio files, as well as files that commonly contain valuable content such as archives, databases, documents, PDFs, etc. 

Each encrypted file will have '.hotcofee' appended to its original name. Upon completing its task, the HotCofee Ransomware will drop a ransom note in every folder on the system. The name of ransom-bearing files is 'surprise friend.pdb.'

The instructions left by the HotCofee Ransomware follow the typical pattern observed in other malware threats of this type. It tells victims to pay a ransom using the Bitcoin cryptocurrency if they want to receive the decryption key and software tool needed to restore the locked files. The email address that can be used for communication with the hackers is ''


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