Threat Database Ransomware Horsemagyar Ransomware

Horsemagyar Ransomware

The Horsemagyar Ransomware is a malware threat capable of locking users out of their own data. When deployed to a computer, the threat initiates an encryption algorithm with a strong cryptographic algorithm. This ensures that the affected data will be close to impossible to restore without the decryption key possessed by the hackers.

Once it has been executed, the Horsemagyar Ransomware will create a unique ID string for the victim. The string will be added to the original names of all locked files. In addition, the threat also will add 'spanielearslook' followed by '.likeoldboobs.' Despite this seemingly unprofessional message, the damage that the Horsemagyar Ransomware could cause should not be underestimated.

After all targeted filetypes have been processed and locked, the threat will move to the next step of its programming. The ransomware will generate a new text file named 'Horse.txt' on the system. The file contains a ransom note with instructions for the victims. Typically, ransomware operators demand to receive a payment in a specific cryptocurrency from their victims. Using Bitcoin or another crypto-coin makes tracing the funds or their potential return to the victims far more unlikely. In general, it is not recommended to contact cybercriminal organizations in the first place. By trying to communicate with hacker outfits, users could expose themselves to additional security and privacy risks.


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