Threat Database Ransomware Hakbit Ransomware

Hakbit Ransomware

Cybercriminals regard ransomware threats as an easy way to make a quick buck, and this is why everyone is jumping on the ransomware-train seemingly. Malware researchers struggle to keep up with the data-locking Trojans, which are emerging daily. It also is ever so easy to build a threat of this type – you can borrow code from an already existing ransomware threat, or you can use a ransomware building kit. Among the newest spotted ransomware threats is the Hakbit Ransomware.

Propagation and Encryption

Experts couldn’t pinpoint the exact infection vector utilized in the spreading of the Hakbit Ransomware. It is highly likely that the authors of the Hakbit Ransomware are using bogus software updates, fake pirated copies of popular applications, or spam emails containing macro-laced attachments. Regardless of the distribution method, the Hakbit Ransomware always has the same strategy once it infiltrates the targeted host. The attack is started with a brief scan aiming at locating the files of interest. Most ransomware threats target a very long list of popular file types, which almost any users are guaranteed to have on their systems. This increases the chances of the victim to consider paying the ransom fee demanded by the attackers. Next, the targeted files will undergo the Hakbit Ransomware encryption process. Upon locking the files, the Hakbit Ransomware also adds an extension at the end of the file names – '.crypted.' For example, a file called 'nbg.jpeg' will be renamed to 'nbg.jpeg.crypted' when the Hakbit Ransomware is done locking it.

The Ransom Note

The Hakbit Ransomware drops a ransom note named 'HELP_ME_RECOVER_MY_FILES.txt,' and it changes the background of the user. The image used as the wallpaper has a white background, red text and a QR code. The message in the image and the note is almost identical. The attackers ask for $300 as a ransom fee but demand that it is in the shape of Bitcoin. They also give instructions on how to obtain Bitcoin, for users who are unaware. There is an email provided as a means of communication with the attackers – ‘'

It is never advisable to contact cybercriminals. They will likely never deliver on their end of the deal even if you give in and pay the ransom fee. This is why it is much safer to obtain a legitimate anti-malware application that will remove the Hakbit Ransomware from your system and keep it safe in the future.


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