Threat Database Ransomware Gvlbsjz Ransomware

Gvlbsjz Ransomware

The Gvlbsjz Ransomware is a potent crypto locker malware that is capable of locking users out from accessing nearly all files stored on the infected computer. The Gvlbsjz Ransomware does so by employing strong encryption algorithms that are impervious to brute-forcing, ensuring that the attackers are the only ones possessing the necessary decryption keys, unless, of course, a major flaw in the code is discovered by the cybersecurity community. Gvlbsjz Ransomware is not a threat created from scratch; instead, it is categorized as part of the Snatch Ransomware family.

When the Gvlbsjz Ransomware infects a computer, it initiates its encryption process that targets both personal - video and audio files, photos, images, etc., as well as business-related files such as spreadsheets, databases and documents. Every encrypted file will have '.gvlbsjz' appended to its original filename as a new extension. The hackers leave their instructions to the victims in the form of text files named 'HOW TO RESTORE YOUR FILES.TXT' that will be created in every folder containing encrypted data. 

The ransom note doesn't mention the exact sum demanded by the criminals. Two email addresses are issued as a means of communication - '' and '' Victims of the Gvlbsjz Ransomware are allowed to send up to 3 files that are no more than 1MB in size to be decrypted for free. The note ends with a warning that if no contact is established with the criminals within the first 48 hours of the ransomware infection, the encrypted files will supposedly become lost permanently.

The full text of Gvlbsjz Ransomware's note is:

'Hello! All your files are encrypted and only I can decrypt them.

Contact me: or

Write me if you want to return your files - I can do it very quickly!

The header of letter must contain extension of encrypted files.

I'm always reply within 24 hours. If not - check spam folder, resend your letter or try send letter from another email service.


Do not rename or edit encrypted files: you may have permanent data loss.

To prove that I can recover your files, I am ready to decrypt any three files (less than 1Mb) for free (except databases, Excel and backups)


! ! ! If you do not email me in the next 48 hours then your data may be lost permanently ! ! !'


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