Guardian Angel Extension

Guardian Angel is a browser extension with intrusive functionalities, essentially functioning as a browser hijacker. When installed, it inserts advertisements into the websites users browse and alters their browser search queries to lead them to promoted addresses. Additionally, Guardian Angel takes advantage of the legitimate 'Managed by your organization' browser feature, making it challenging for users to remove the extension easily.

Guardian Angel May Expose Users to Unnecessary Privacy and Security Risks

Guardian Angel operates as an intrusive browser hijacker, aiming to insert advertisements and alter search queries without user permission. Once installed, removing Guardian Angel becomes challenging, as it takes advantage of the 'Managed by your organization' policy in compatible browsers, restricting users' ability to easily uninstall unwanted extensions.

When Guardian Angel infiltrates your browser, you may encounter unwanted ads on websites, experience redirection to unfamiliar sites through links, and observe your search engine queries being rerouted through dubious third-party engines instead of your preferred search engine.

How Do Browser Hijackers and PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) Sneak Their Installations on Users' Devices?

Browser hijackers and PUPs often sneak their installations onto users' devices through deceptive methods. Here are some common tactics they employ:

  • Bundled Software: One of the most common methods is through software bundling. When users download and install free software from the internet, they may not notice that additional programs, including browser hijackers or PUPs, are included in the installation package. These additional programs are often pre-selected for installation by default, and users may inadvertently agree to their installation without realizing it.
  • Misleading Advertisements: Browser hijackers and PUPs may also be distributed through misleading advertisements, often disguised as legitimate software updates or security alerts. Users may be tricked into clicking on these ads, leading to the inadvertent installation of unwanted programs.
  • Fake Download Buttons: On some websites, especially those offering free downloads or media streaming, fake download buttons may be placed alongside legitimate ones. Users may accidentally click on these fake buttons, thinking they are downloading the desired content, only to end up installing browser hijackers or PUPs instead.
  • Phishing Emails and Malicious Websites: Users may be directed to malicious websites through phishing emails or by clicking on malicious links. These websites may prompt users to download and install software purportedly necessary for viewing content or accessing certain features. In reality, these downloads may contain browser hijackers or PUPs.
  • Social Engineering: Some browser hijackers and PUPs employ social engineering techniques to trick users into installing them. This could include pop-up messages claiming that the user's system is infected with malware and urging them to download a particular program to remove it. In reality, the program may be a browser hijacker or PUP itself.

Overall, browser hijackers and PUPs rely on users' lack of attention to detail and their tendency to trust seemingly legitimate sources. To avoid inadvertently installing these unwanted programs, users should always download software from reputable sources, carefully read installation prompts, and be cautious when clicking on ads or links, especially those that appear suspicious or too good to be true. Additionally, keeping antivirus and anti-malware software updated can help detect and remove unwanted programs before they cause harm.


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