Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 4,599
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 1,243
First Seen: September 6, 2022
Last Seen: September 28, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Infosec researchers have uncovered the presence of the rogue website during their investigation of untrustworthy websites. This particular website engages in the dubious practice of tricking visitors into unknowingly enabling its push notification services. Afterward, the page will proceed to deliver browser notification spam to their devices or cause redirects to various other sites, most of which are likely to be suspicious or unsafe in nature. It should be noted that users commonly encounter and similar Web pages through redirects triggered by websites that employ rogue advertising networks. Displays Clickbait and Lure Messages

You should know that the content promoted on rogue Web pages and through them can vary based on the IP addresses or geolocations of the visitors.

When it comes to, researchers encountered several clickbait tactics employed by the Web page at the same time. The site displayed overlapping snippets of text and featured a pop-up window positioned on top. The pop-up message presented options such as 'Your Video Is Ready/ Press Play to start the video/ Cancel/ PLAY.' The background of the page contained animated graphics and accompanying text that urged visitors to click 'Allow' in order to access the website's content. The deceptive intention behind these elements is to trick visitors.

By falling for this deception, visitors inadvertently grant the ability to deliver browser notifications. These notifications predominantly promote online tactics, unreliable or harmful software and various forms of malware.

Consequently, websites like can expose users to a range of detrimental outcomes. These include system infections, serious privacy concerns, monetary losses and even the possibility of identity theft. It is why users must exercise caution and be informed of the potential dangers associated with engaging with such rogue websites.

Use Effective Measures to Stop the Notifications Coming from Rogue Websites

Users can employ different strategies to prevent rogue websites from delivering dubious push notifications to their devices. By implementing these measures, users can regain control over their notification settings and avoid unwanted disruptions.

One approach is to review and adjust the notification settings within their Web browsers. Most modern browsers offer options to manage notifications, allowing users to customize their preferences. Users can access the browser settings, locate the notification section, and disable notifications altogether or configure them only to allow notifications from trusted and verified websites.

Revoking permissions granted to rogue websites is another effective step. Users can revisit the rogue website that is delivering the dubious push notifications and navigate to the notification permission settings. By revoking the permission previously granted, users can effectively stop further delivery of unwanted notifications.

Installing reputable ad-blocking or anti-malware browser extensions can provide an additional layer of protection. These extensions can identify and block unsafe or deceptive websites, preventing them from displaying dubious push notifications.

Regularly clearing browser data, including cookies and website permissions, also is recommended. This helps reset preferences and removes any stored permissions that may have been granted to rogue websites.

Additionally, users should exercise caution while browsing the Internet and avoid clicking on suspicious links or visiting untrustworthy websites. Being mindful of the websites visited can reduce the likelihood of encountering rogue websites that deliver dubious push notifications.

By adjusting notification settings, revoking permissions, utilizing protective browser extensions, clearing browser data, and practicing safe browsing habits, users can effectively put a stop to the dubious push notifications delivered by rogue websites.

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