Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 1,359
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 466
First Seen: June 30, 2023
Last Seen: September 30, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Infosec researchers have classified as being a rogue page. This particular Web page is intentionally created to facilitate the promotion of browser notification spam and redirect visitors to other destinations, which are often unreliable or harmful sites. In the vast majority of cases, users encounter such pages through redirects triggered by websites that utilize rogue advertising networks. Relies on Clickbait Messages and Fake Scenarios to Trick Visitors

It is important for users to keep in mind that the content presented on rogue Web pages can vary based on the geolocation of the visitors' IP addresses. So far, the site has been observed to display an instruction urging users to click on 'Allow' if they are not a robot. This deceptive approach mimics a CAPTCHA verification process and aims to trick visitors into granting the website permission to deliver browser notifications.

If the user allows to send notifications, they will be bombarded with advertisements promoting online scams, potentially harmful software, and possibly even malware threats. Consequently, interacting with websites like can lead to severe consequences, including system infections, significant privacy breaches, financial losses, and even identity theft.

Don’t Fall for Fake CAPTCHA Checks Presented by Untrustworthy Websites

Differentiating between a fake CAPTCHA check and a legitimate one requires users to be observant and cautious. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Contextual Assessment: Users should assess the context in which the CAPTCHA check is presented. Legitimate CAPTCHAs are typically encountered on reputable websites during specific actions, such as submitting a form, creating an account, or accessing sensitive information. Unexpected or out-of-context CAPTCHA requests may indicate a potential scam or fake attempt.
  •  Design and Appearance: Pay attention to the design and appearance of the CAPTCHA. Legitimate CAPTCHAs often follow established design patterns and display a consistent layout. Look for familiar visual elements, such as the distinctive distorted characters or image-based challenges commonly associated with CAPTCHAs. Discrepancies or poor-quality graphics could indicate a fake CAPTCHA.
  •  Verification Process: Evaluate the steps involved in the verification process. Legitimate CAPTCHAs typically require users to complete a specific task or correctly identify specific elements, such as characters, objects, or images. If the verification process seems too simple, vague, or does not require any active participation, it might indicate a fake CAPTCHA.
  •  Source and Website Reputation: Consider the source and reputation of the website or platform where the CAPTCHA is presented. Established and reputable websites are more likely to use legitimate CAPTCHAs to enhance security. Be cautious when encountering CAPTCHAs on unfamiliar or suspicious websites, as they may be attempting to deceive users.
  •  Consistency with Industry Standards: Familiarize yourself with common industry practices regarding CAPTCHA usage. Legitimate CAPTCHAs typically align with established standards and guidelines. Research and understand the general principles and techniques employed by reputable websites, as this knowledge can help identify deviations that may indicate a fake CAPTCHA.

Overall, users should rely on their intuition and exercise caution when encountering CAPTCHA checks. Trusting well-known and reputable websites while being vigilant about unexpected or suspicious CAPTCHA requests can help differentiate between legitimate and fake CAPTCHAs.

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