Threat Database Adware FunctionRecord


By GoldSparrow in Adware, Mac Malware

The FunctionRecord application is a utility, which is only compatible with Mac computers. The goal of the FunctionRecord utility is not to provide you with great service but to promote an affiliated search aggregator.

Once installed, the FunctionRecord application will set up a new ‘Device Profile’ as well as a new ‘Launch Daemon.’ This helps the FunctionRecord utility gain persistence on the host, meaning that the application will be launched every time you restart your computer. Next, the FunctionRecord application will make sure to set up the ‘Safe Finder’ search engine as your default search aggregator. This aids the search engine in generating both traffic and revenue. While the ‘Safe Finder’ search aggregator is not harmful, it may not provide you with the most relevant results of your search queries online.

Since the FunctionRecord application will alter your Mac’s settings without consulting you first, it is considered to be a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program). It is advisable to remove this PUP with the help of a genuine, modern anti-spyware suite.


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