Threat Database Ransomware Fuck_You Ransomware

Fuck_You Ransomware

By GoldSparrow in Ransomware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 9,204
Threat Level: 100 % (High)
Infected Computers: 105
First Seen: March 9, 2017
Last Seen: August 29, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The Fuck_You Ransomware is a ransomware Trojan used to force computer users to pay large amounts of money. The Fuck_You Ransomware receives its title because of the title of the message it uses to extort computer users. The Fuck_You Ransomware is one of the countless ransomware Trojans based on the Hidden Tear project, an open source ransomware Trojan that was supposedly released for educational purposes in 2015 but that has been modified countless times to allow con artists to release numerous ransomware Trojans since its release. The Fuck_You Ransomware was first observed when it was uploaded to an online security platform. PC security researchers suspect that the Fuck_You Ransomware is still under development, meaning that the final version of the Fuck_You Ransomware that may be released for attacks on computer users may be very different from the Fuck_You Ransomware analyzed by PC security analysts.

Besides Cursing You the Fuck_You Ransomware Will Encrypt Your Files

The Fuck_You Ransomware is not one of the sophisticated ransomware Trojans out there, but it still carries out an effective attack. The Fuck_You Ransomware is designed to work in portable mode. It may be embedded into DOCX or RTF documents to take advantage of a vulnerability in macros that allows con artists to execute corrupted code on the victim's computer. These corrupted files may bve distributed using spam email attachments or spam messages on social media platforms. The Fuck_You Ransomware uses a combination of the RSA and the AES encryption to make the victim's files inaccessible completely. The Fuck_You Ransomware will encrypt all files found on the affected computer's drives, creating an encryption key that is included in the Fuck_You Ransomware's code. The current version of the Fuck_You Ransomware affects numerous file types, including the following:


After encrypting the victim's files, the Fuck_You Ransomware will drop a ransom note named 'READ_IT.txt' on the infected computer's desktop. The full text of this ransom note reads as follows:

'Fuck_You was Encrypt your File
Then meet me
my email'

Protecting Your Data from the Fuck_You Ransomware and Similar Attacks

The best protection against threats like the Fuck_You Ransomware is to have file backups. Malware researchers recommend that computer users back up their data regularly using the cloud or an external memory device. Having file backups allows computer users to recover from a the Fuck_You Ransomware attack quickly, simply by deleting the encrypted files and restoring them with backup copies (after removing the Fuck_You Ransomware infection itself with a reliable security program that is fully up-to-date). Avoid paying the Fuck_You Ransomware ransom. It is common for con artists to ignore the payment or go back and ask victims to pay even more money after they make the payment. More importantly, paying the Fuck_You Ransomware ransom allows con artists to continue creating these threats, financing other attacks and compromising an increasing number of computers. Apart from file backups, computer users should establish strong security protocols to avoid these infections. This means learning to handle email messages and attachments safely and avoiding common online sources for these threats. A reliable security program that is fully up-to-date also should be used to intercept and remove these infections.


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