Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs Forest New Tab Browser Extension

Forest New Tab Browser Extension

The Forest New Tab is a browser extension that promises to provide users with forest-themed browser wallpapers. However, upon thorough examination, the application has been identified as a browser hijacker. What this means is that the Forest New Tab alters browser settings with the intention of promoting an illegitimate search engine called In essence, instead of delivering the forest-themed wallpapers as advertised, it redirects users to this dubious search engine, posing potential security risks.

Browser Hijackers Like the Forest New Tab Often Make Unauthorized Changes

Browser hijackers are known for tampering with various browser settings, including homepages, default search engines and new tab pages. In the case of the Forest New Tab, once it's installed, these changes are made to promote specific websites. Consequently, any attempt to open a new browser tab or window and initiate a search using the URL bar will result in automatic redirects to the webpage.

Fake search engines, like, typically lack the capability to provide genuine search results. Instead, they often redirect users to legitimate internet search engines. Researchers have observed that directs users to Bing. However, it's important to note that the actual landing page can vary based on factors such as the user's geographical location.

In many instances, browser-hijacking software employs techniques to persistently alter browser settings persistently, making it difficult for users to remove them and restore their browsers to their default states.

Furthermore, software falling into this category often possesses data-tracking functionalities, which also may be the case with the Forest New Tab. This means that it can collect various types of user information, including browsing and search engine histories, Internet cookies, login credentials, personally identifiable information and financial data. This harvested data can then be exploited for profit through methods like selling it to third parties or other forms of misuse. Therefore, it's crucial to be cautious when dealing with such software to protect your online privacy and security.

Be Careful When Installing Applications from Unproven Sources

Browser hijackers and Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) often employ dubious distribution techniques to infiltrate users' computers and browsers. These techniques are designed to catch users off guard and make it challenging to remove unwanted software. Here are some common distribution methods used by browser hijackers and PUPs:

  • Bundled Software: This is one of the most prevalent methods. PUPs and browser hijackers are bundled with seemingly legitimate software downloads. Users often overlook the additional software during installation because it's pre-selected, and they rush through the installation process. These bundled programs are typically disclosed in the fine print of installation agreements (End User License Agreements or EULAs), which users rarely read.
  •  Deceptive Websites: Some websites trick users into downloading PUPs or browser hijackers by offering enticing content or free downloads. For example, a website may claim to provide a free tool, game, or media file but instead prompts users to download a potentially unwanted program.
  •  Malvertising: Fraudulent advertising, or malvertising, involves distributing PUPs and browser hijackers through unsafe advertisements on legitimate websites. Clicking on these advertisements can trigger automatic downloads or redirect users to deceptive landing pages.
  •  Phishing Emails: Cybercriminals may send phishing emails that carry links or attachments that, when clicked or opened, lead to the installation of unwanted software. These emails often disguise themselves as legitimate messages from well-known companies or individuals.
  •  Fake Updates: Browser hijackers and PUPs may masquerade as software updates or security patches. Users are urged to download and install these updates, thinking they are improving their system's security or functionality. In reality, they are downloading potentially harmful software.
  •  File-Sharing Networks: PUPs can spread through Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file-sharing networks. Users who download files from these networks may unknowingly acquire bundled PUPs or browser hijackers.
  •  Social Engineering: Browser hijackers and PUPs may utilize social engineering tactics to induce users to install them. They may use scare tactics, false claims of system issues, or misleading pop-up messages to manipulate users into taking action.

To protect your system from browser hijackers and PUPs, it's essential to exercise caution while downloading software or clicking on links, especially from untrusted sources. Always read installation agreements carefully, use reputable antivirus and anti-malware software, maintain your operating system and software up to date, and be wary of unexpected pop-ups or emails from unknown sources. Additionally, consider using browser extensions or settings that enhance security and block potentially harmful content.


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