Threat Database Ransomware ErrorWindows Ransomware

ErrorWindows Ransomware

ErrorWindows is a type of ransomware that operates by encrypting the files of its victims, leaving them in an inaccessible state. This harmful threat also changes the names of these encrypted files, appending the '.errorwindows' extension to their original filenames.

Much like other ransomware strains, ErrorWindows follows the typical modus operandi of presenting a ransom note to the victim. In this case, it generates a file named 'КАК РАСШИФРОВАТЬ ФАЙЛЫ.txt' as the ransom note. Furthermore, ErrorWindows alters the victim's desktop wallpaper and displays a pop-up window that contains the same ransom note as the text file, thereby emphasizing the demand for ransom.

An illustrative example of how ErrorWindows alters filenames is evident when it converts '1.jpg' into '1.jpg.errorwindows' and '2.png' into '2.png.errorwindows,' and so on. Researchers also have confirmed that ErrorWindows is affiliated with the Xorist Ransomware family. This comprehensive description sheds light on the various aspects of ErrorWindows ransomware and its tactics.

The ErrorWindows Ransomware Demands the Payment of a Ransom

The ransom note dropped by the ErrorWindows Ransomware is written entirely in Russian. Its primary purpose is to inform victims about the encryption of their files while providing a set of instructions for potential recovery. These instructions include a directive for victims to send an SMS containing specific text to a designated number. However, a critical point to note is that the note does not specify the exact number to which the SMS should be sent. This omission suggests that the ransomware may still be in the developmental phase, with certain details pending finalization.

Additionally, the ransom note outlines the presence of a limited number of attempts to enter a decryption code, accompanied by a warning that exceeding these attempts could result in irreversible damage to the encrypted data. This emphasizes the need for extreme caution when entering the decryption code, as making incorrect attempts may lead to data loss.

It is crucial to understand that, in most cases, unlocking or decrypting files compromised by ransomware is a challenging task without assistance from the individuals responsible for the ransomware attack. Consequently, cybersecurity experts caution against meeting the attackers' demands and providing them with a ransom payment, as there is no guarantee that they will fulfill their promises of unlocking the files.

Implement Strong Defensive Measures to Protect Your Devices and Data from Malware

Protecting devices and data from malware requires a multi-faceted approach that includes strong defensive measures. Here are some key steps users can take to safeguard their devices and data:

  • Install Reliable Security Software:

Start by installing reputable anti-malware software on your devices. Ensure that it's up-to-date and set to scan for threats automatically.

  • Keep Operating Systems and Software Updated:

Regularly update your operating system, programs, and plugins. After all, many malware attacks exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software.

  • Enable Firewalls:

Activate and configure firewalls on your devices. Firewalls act as a barrier between your device and potential threats from the Internet.

  • Practice Safe Browsing Habits:

When opening links or downloading files from unfamiliar sources, PC users must be cautious about websites or emails. Avoid suspicious websites, and only download files from trusted sources.

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

Whenever possible, enable 2FA for your online accounts. This way you can include an extra layer of security because it requires a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your mobile device.

  • Educate Yourself and Others:

Learn about common malware tactics like phishing emails and social engineering. Educate yourself and those you share devices with about potential risks and how to recognize them.

  • Regularly Backup Data:

Backup essential data regularly to an external hard drive or a secure cloud service. Should the need arise, you can restore your data without paying a ransom.

  • Be Cautious with Email Attachments and Links:

Try not to open email attachments or click on links in emails from undisclosed or suspicious sources. Cybercriminals often use email as a vector to spread malware.

By implementing these strong defensive measures and adopting a proactive approach to cybersecurity, users can significantly decrease the risk of malware infections and protect their devices and valuable data.

The ransom note of the ErrorWindows Ransomware in its original language is:

'Внимание! Все Ваши файлы зашифрованы!
Чтобы восстановить свои файлы и получить к ним доступ,
отправьте смс с текстом XXXX на номер YYYY

У вас есть N попыток ввода кода. При превышении этого
количества, все данные необратимо испортятся. Будьте
внимательны при вводе кода!'

The message shown as a desktop wallpaper is:


Только что призошол сбои Виндовс чтобы продолжить работy системы необходимо скачать активатор Windows по ссылке'


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