Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs Easy Files Downloading Adware

Easy Files Downloading Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 10,411
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 101
First Seen: July 17, 2022
Last Seen: August 23, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The Easy Files Downloading browser extension is presented to users as a convenient way to manage their downloads. Unfortunately, almost immediately after installing it, users will realize that this is not the only functionality of the application. Indeed, analysis of the Easy Files Downloading has revealed that it falls into the adware category. These intrusive programs are designed to generate numerous, unwanted advertisements that could severely impact the user experience on the device.

Users should be careful when dealing with advertisements coming from unproven sources. The advertisements could be promoting questionable or even unsafe destinations. Users could see advertisements for hoax websites, shady betting/gaming platforms, fake giveaways or PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) disguised as legitimate applications. Interacting with the advertisements also could trigger redirects leading to similarly dubious sites.

Having a PUP present on the computer or device also could cause privacy concerns. These applications are often equipped with data-tracking functions. They may collect browsing-related data (browsing history, search history, clicked URL) as well as device details (IP address, browser type, OS type, etc.), package them, and then exfiltrate the information to a server controlled by their operators. In some cases, PUPs also have attempted to extract sensitive information from browsers' autofill data. Usually, users rely on this feature to store account credentials, banking and payment details, credit/debit card numbers and more.


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