Threat Database Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 226
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 5,029
First Seen: April 27, 2023
Last Seen: September 30, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Upon thorough evaluation, researchers uncovered that employs deceptive tactics, including the display of fake messages, intending to deceive visitors and encourage them to subscribe to its notifications. These deceptive messages aim to trick users into clicking the 'Allow' button, granting the website permission to send push notifications. This can lead to the delivery of intrusive and potentially harmful advertisements or redirects to untrustworthy websites.

In light of these findings, it is strongly advised for users exercise caution and refrain from placing their trust in To protect against potential risks associated with deceptive websites, it is recommended to avoid granting permission for notifications and consider utilizing ad blockers and reliable security software.

Rogue Sites Like Often Rely on Clickbait Messages

An in-depth analysis of has revealed the implementation of deceptive tactics to manipulate visitors into clicking the 'Allow' button under the guise of verifying they are not bots. This strategy is misleading as it tricks users into granting permission for the display of notifications. However, these notifications from can potentially lead users to unreliable and harmful websites.

One of the dubious notifications observed on falsely warns visitors about a purported virus on their computers, urging them to take immediate action to remove it. These deceitful notifications can redirect users to phishing sites, technical support scam pages, or pages promoting dubious applications, all of which pose significant risks to users' security and privacy.

In addition to displaying untrustworthy notifications, also has demonstrated the ability to redirect users to other harmful websites. This further underscores the need for caution and vigilance while interacting with the site and its notifications. As a result of these findings,, its notifications, and any associated, linked websites cannot be deemed trustworthy.

Keep an eye out for Typical Signs of a Fake CAPTCHA Check

Recognizing a fake CAPTCHA check can be crucial in protecting oneself from potential scams and unsafe activities online. Here are some typical signs that may indicate a CAPTCHA check is fake:

  • Unusual or Incorrect Design: Fake CAPTCHAs may have poorly designed graphics, distorted characters, or inconsistent fonts, making them appear different from the standard CAPTCHA formats used by legitimate websites.
  • Absence of Validation: Authentic CAPTCHAs typically have a verification process, ensuring that the user's response is accurate before proceeding. Fake ones may not have this validation step, allowing users to proceed without completing the CAPTCHA correctly.
  • No Challenge: Real CAPTCHAs are intended to challenge bots and automated scripts, but fake ones may not present any challenge or maybe too simple to solve, defeating their purpose.
  • Suspicious Websites: CAPTCHAs presented on dubious or unfamiliar websites, especially those associated with phishing attempts or fraudulent activities, should be treated with caution.
  • Unexpected Pop-ups: Legitimate CAPTCHAs are usually integrated directly into a website's interface, whereas fake ones may appear as unexpected pop-ups or overlays, often accompanied by other suspicious content.
  • Requests for Personal Information: Fake CAPTCHAs may request additional personal information beyond the standard image recognition, including email addresses or phone numbers, which is not common in legitimate CAPTCHA checks.
  • No Visual or Audio Options: Authentic CAPTCHAs often provide options for visually impaired users, such as audio challenges or alternative text descriptions. If these options are missing, it could be a sign of a fake CAPTCHA.
  • Inconsistent Placement: If the CAPTCHA appears at an unusual stage of a website's interaction or during an inappropriate context, it may indicate a fake CAPTCHA attempt.
  • Language and Spelling Errors: Fake CAPTCHAs may contain grammatical errors, misspellings, or nonsensical phrases, which are uncommon in authentic CAPTCHAs.

To avoid falling victim to schemes or malware attacks, users should be vigilant and double-check any suspicious CAPTCHA requests. When in doubt, it is advisable to visit the official website directly rather than clicking on unfamiliar links or interacting with untrusted pop-ups.

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