Threat Database Malicious Websites 'Dogelon Mars (ELON)' Giveaway Scam

'Dogelon Mars (ELON)' Giveaway Scam

The 'Dogelon Mars (ELON)' giveaway scam follows the popular scheme where users are promised to get an immediate return, usually double the amount, of what they send to the provided crypto wallet address. This particular tactic has seen a significant resurgence with the meteoric rise in mainstream interest towards the various cryptocurrencies. In most cases, the fraudsters also mention some celebrities or popular figures to give the implication that they are somehow connected with the page. Of course, this is not true. 

The 'Dogelon Mars (ELON)' giveaway scam, as its name suggests, offers users the opportunity to receive 5 times the amount of Dogelon Mars (ELON) coins. The minimum amount that can be transferred is 2 million coins with the users allegedly then receiving 10 billion the return. The maximum is 500 billion for a potential return of 2.5 trillion ELON coins. As we said, however, all of the claims made by this page are fake and users will receive nothing except a significant monetary loss as cryptocurrency transactions cannot be reversed. 

It should be noted that if users land on dubious or unsafe pages such as the 'Dogelon Mars (ELON)' giveaway scam frequently, it might be a symptom of a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) lurking on their device. It is strongly recommended to run a scan with a professional anti-malware solution and then delete all suspicious applications that are detected. 


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