Threat Database Adware

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 5
First Seen: July 22, 2022
Last Seen: June 7, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Cybersecurity researchers found that the website engages in the promotion of spam browser notifications, while also redirecting visitors to other websites that are highly likely to be untrustworthy or even hazardous in nature. In most cases, users land on pages like as a result of redirects initiated by other websites that utilize rogue advertising networks. These networks play a key role in generating the redirects that ultimately lead users to unwanted destinations.

The existence of the Web page and similar rogue Web pages raises significant concerns, as they not only flood users with intrusive browser notifications but also direct them toward other similarly shady sites. Therefore, users must exercise caution and remain vigilant while browsing the Web to avoid falling victim to these deceptive tactics. Uses Deceptive Tactics to Take Advantage of Visitors

A crucial fact when it comes to rogue sites like is that many of them modify their behavior based on factors such as the IP addresses or geolocation of their visitors. This means that the same website could show different fake scenarios to users.

When it comes to the site contains an article promoting an application for the Android operating system. Upon clicking the 'Claim Your Protection Now' button, the site also will prompt users to enable browser notifications.

Rogue webpages employ their notification feature to launch intrusive advertising campaigns. These advertisements promote a wide range of scams, unreliable or harmful software, and even malware. Consequently, by interacting with websites such as, users expose themselves to potential risks, including system infections, serious privacy breaches, financial losses and the possibility of identity theft.

Given the significant privacy or security risks associated with rogue websites, it is imperative for users to exercise caution and adopt stringent security measures while browsing the Internet. By remaining vigilant, avoiding suspicious interactions, and implementing robust security measures, users can safeguard themselves against the detrimental consequences facilitated by websites like

Allowing Rogue Sites to Interfere with Your Browsing could be Risky

Receiving unwanted browser notifications from dubious sources, including rogue websites, exposes users to a range of significant risks. These risks can have detrimental consequences for both the user's online experience and their overall digital security.

One major risk is the potential for intrusion and invasion of privacy. The unwanted browser notifications could be used as a means to promote various PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) that could collect sensitive user information without their consent. This information can be exploited for various purposes, including targeted advertising, identity theft, or other malicious activities. Such unauthorized access to personal data can result in serious privacy breaches and compromise the user's online security.

Furthermore, unwanted notifications often serve as a platform for promoting schemes and deceptive practices. Rogue websites and dubious sources use these notifications to deliver fraudulent advertisements that can lead users to fall for online tactics or engage with unsafe content. These tactics may involve financial fraud, fake offers, or phishing attempts, putting users at risk of financial losses and identity theft.

In addition, unwanted browser notifications can disrupt the user's browsing experience and productivity. Constant interruptions from intrusive notifications can be annoying, distracting, and time-consuming, hindering the user's ability to focus and engage with desired online activities. This can lead to frustration and a diminished overall browsing experience.

Overall, the risks associated with receiving unwanted browser notifications from dubious sources are multifaceted and can impact various aspects of the user's online security, privacy, and overall browsing experience. It is crucial for users to be cautious, employ effective security measures, and take prompt action to prevent and mitigate these risks.

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