Threat Database Mac Malware Cyclostomatous


After analyzing Cyclostomatous, cybersecurity researchers have determined that it operates as adware, meaning it is crafted to deliver intrusive and unwelcome advertisements after installation. The experts also caution that Cyclostomatous belongs to the Pirrit family of adware and targets Mac users in particular. To steer clear of potential problems, users are advised against installing applications similar to Cyclostomatous and should promptly remove them from any affected devices.

Cyclostomatous May Expose Mac Users to Increased Privacy and Security Risks

Once installed, Cyclostomatous displays intrusive advertisements to users, including pop-ups, banners, and coupons. However, Cyclostomatous is deemed unreliable because the advertisements it generates often promote untrustworthy websites and similar applications.

Interacting with these advertisements can expose users to various risks, such as falling victim to technical support fraud. Fraudsters orchestrating these schemes aim to gain remote access to users' computers, extract money or personal information, or introduce fraudulent software. They employ deceptive Web pages featuring misleading messages and fake customer support contact details to deceive users.

Additionally, advertisements from Cyclostomatous may lead users to phishing websites, sites hosting malware, fake lotteries, or deceptive giveaways. Users might unwittingly pay for non-existent services or products, disclose sensitive details like credit card information or login credentials, download unsafe software or files or take other detrimental actions.

Moreover, Cyclostomatous can display deceptive advertisements, like fake system warnings, intended to trigger unexpected downloads and installations. Therefore, to mitigate these risks, it's advisable to refrain from interacting with advertisements served by applications similar to Cyclostomatous.

Furthermore, Cyclostomatous may be engineered to collect various user data, including IP addresses, names, surnames, browsing history, geolocation details, and potentially sensitive information like credit card details. The unauthorized collection of this data could result in privacy breaches, identity theft, financial fraud, compromised online security or other serious issues. Users are cautioned against the installation and use of such applications to safeguard their digital privacy and security.

Users Rarely Install PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) and Adware Intentionally

Users rarely intentionally install PUPs and adware due to the questionable distribution practices employed by these intrusive applications. The following factors contribute to users inadvertently ending up with these unwanted programs:

  • Bundled Software: PUPs and adware often hitch a ride with legitimate software downloads. When users install a desired program, they may overlook or rush through the installation process, inadvertently agreeing to install additional software bundled with the main program. These bundled offers are often presented in a misleading or non-transparent manner.
  • Misleading Installation Prompts: During software installations, PUPs and adware utilize deceptive tactics to trick users into agreeing to their installation. For example, they may use confusing wording on installation prompts, such as labeling buttons with terms like 'Next' or 'Accept' that actually consent to the installation of additional unwanted software. Users who don't carefully read each step of the installation process can easily fall prey to these tactics.
  • Fake Software Updates: PUPs and adware may masquerade as legitimate software updates or tools. Users might encounter pop-up messages or banners claiming that their software is outdated and needs to be updated or that a particular download is required to access certain content. Clicking on these fake update prompts can lead to the installation of unwanted programs instead of legitimate updates.
  • Aggressive Advertising and Pop-ups: Some PUPs and adware employ aggressive advertising tactics to lure users into installing them. They may display intrusive pop-up advertisements claiming that the user's system is infected with viruses or that their software needs optimization. Clicking on these advertisements can inadvertently trigger the download and installation of unwanted programs.
  • Phishing Tactics: In more malicious cases, PUPs and adware might utilize phishing tactics to trick users into downloading them. This can include posing as legitimate software or services to gain the user's trust and coax them into installation.

Due to these deceptive and misleading distribution practices, users often unintentionally install PUPs and adware on their systems. To prevent falling victim to these tactics, users should use caution when downloading and installing software, always choose custom or advanced installation settings to review bundled offers, keep software and browsers updated, and use dedicated anti-malware software to detect and remove unwanted programs.


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