Threat Database Ransomware Cryptbit Ransomware

Cryptbit Ransomware

Cybersecurity researchers have confirmed that the Cryptbit threat is part of the ransomware category. These threatening programs are designed to lock the data of their victims by processing the targeted file types with uncrackable cryptographic algorithms. The goal of the threat actors is to render nearly all of the data on the breached devices unusable. Afterward, they try to extort money from the victims in exchange for promising to send back the required decryption keys for the restoration of the files.

The Cryptbit Ransomware follows the same pattern. The threat can affect a large set of file types - images, photos, documents, PDFs, archives, databases, etc. All encrypted files will have the '.cryptbit' file extension appended to their original names. The malware also will create a new text file named 'CryptBIT-restore-files.txt' on the infected devices.

Opening the files will present the affected users with the ransom-demanding message of Cryptbit Ransomware's operators. According to the ransom note, victims of the threat will need to pay a ransom using the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. However, users should not pay any amount of money to cybercriminals. There are no guarantees that the hackers will follow through and provide the necessary keys or decryption software. Not to mention that engaging in negotiations with hackers could expose users to additional security risks.

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